10 Website Mistakes to Correct for Better Patient Attraction

Man in jacket and glasses looking at laptop and screaming

Do you want to boost your website’s patient attraction potential?

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. A well-designed website can be a powerful tool for generating sales, but several common mistakes might be hindering your success. Today, we’ll explore ten crucial mistakes to avoid and how addressing them can significantly boost your business’s online performance.

1. Ignoring the Importance of a Lead Magnet:

A lead magnet is a valuable tool for capturing the contact information of visitors. By not offering a compelling lead magnet, such as a free ebook, a discount code, or an informative newsletter, businesses miss out on the opportunity to build a database of potential customers. Ensure your lead magnet is prominently displayed and offers real value to your audience.

Cheerful young woman speaking into megaphone

2. Weak or Absent Calls to Action (CTAs):

CTAs are the signposts that guide prospective patients toward contacting your practice. A vague or missing CTA can leave potential patients confused about the next steps. A well-crafted CTA captures the user’s attention and succinctly conveys what action they should take next, eliminating any confusion or hesitation. The placement of these CTAs is equally important. They should be positioned prominently on the webpage, often at the end of persuasive content or near eye-catching visuals, ensuring maximum visibility and impact. Ideally, they’re placed in intuitive locations where a visitor naturally looks while browsing. Whether above the fold for immediate engagement or spaced throughout the page to cater to those seeking more information, CTAs serve as the crucial junction between user interest and actionable response, making them indispensable for any website looking to achieve its goals.

Wood welcome Sign

3. Not Prioritizing User-Friendly Web Design:

User-friendly web design is crucial for keeping visitors on your site. Not prioritizing user-friendly web design can significantly impede a healthcare practice’s ability to attract and retain patients. This includes intuitive navigation, a clean layout, and accessible content. Websites that are difficult to navigate or overwhelming can quickly drive potential patients away. Patients seeking medical information or services prioritize ease and clarity. A website that doesn’t cater to these needs may lead them to seek care elsewhere. Moreover, in an industry where trust and professionalism are paramount, a poorly designed website can reflect negatively on the perceived quality of care offered. Therefore, ensuring that a healthcare website is accessible, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a crucial aspect of patient communication, engagement, and trust-building.

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4. Neglecting Mobile Responsiveness:

With the increasing use of smartphones for browsing and shopping, a website that isn’t mobile-friendly is at a severe disadvantage. Ensure your website is responsive and offers a seamless experience across all devices.

As of 2024, the landscape of website usage between mobile and desktop users has shown a significant tilt towards mobile. Mobile visits were found to be substantially higher than desktop, reflecting the growing reliance on mobile devices for internet access. Specifically, mobile visits were 81% higher than desktop visits, and unique visitors on mobile devices accounted for 155% more unique visits than those on desktop. Interestingly, while mobile dominates in terms of visits and unique visitors, desktop users tend to engage more deeply with content. This is evidenced by desktop users checking out 33% more pages per visit than mobile users and spending 79% longer on sites.1

woman in white shirt using smartphone

5. Underestimating the Power of Social Proof:

Patient reviews and testimonials are vital for building trust and credibility. Prospective patients often rely on the experiences of others to make informed decisions about their own health and care. Positive reviews and genuine patient stories can provide the reassurance and confidence they need to choose a particular wellness practitioner. Displaying this social proof prominently on a website can create a sense of community and reliability, showcasing your commitment to patient satisfaction and quality care. Awareness that personal experience and word-of-mouth recommendations carry substantial weight for your practice, neglecting the incorporation of social proof into a website’s design and content strategy can mean missing out on a powerful tool to attract and engage new patients.
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6. Accepting Slow Website Loading Speeds:

Google’s ranking algorithms have increasingly emphasized website loading speeds as a critical factor in search engine optimization (SEO). Slow-loading websites provide a poor user experience, something Google aims to minimize in its search results. When a site takes too long to load, it not only frustrates users but also increases the likelihood of them leaving the site, leading to higher bounce rates. This is particularly crucial in a mobile-first indexing world, where Google predominantly uses the mobile version of content for indexing and ranking.

To Google, the speed of a website is indicative of its quality and user-friendliness. Faster sites are perceived as more efficient and reliable, offering a better user experience. This is why Google includes speed as a key factor in its Page Experience signals, which contribute to the overall ranking of websites in search results. As a result, sites with slower loading times may find themselves ranked lower in search results compared to faster sites, which can have a direct impact on web traffic and overall online visibility.

7. Failing to Communicate the Patient’s 'What's in it for Me?' Benefit:

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A common error is crafting website content that’s more focused on the company’s offerings than on answering the key customer question: “What’s in it for me?” Effective website copy should illuminate the advantages patients will experience.

For instance, an acupuncture clinic’s site should go beyond stating they offer acupuncture; it’s not just about providing acupuncture treatments; it’s about communicating the life-changing benefits these treatments offer. An acupuncturist doesn’t merely offer relief from pain or stress; they facilitate a path to enhanced well-being, allowing patients to enjoy a more relaxed, pain-free lifestyle, or engage in activities they love with renewed energy. This shifts the narrative from a simple service description to a powerful depiction of the real, positive changes in a patient’s everyday life.

8. Overlooking Easy Contact Methods:

Make it simple for potential customers to get in touch. Incorporate features clickable phone numbers, and easy-to-find contact forms. The fewer barriers to contacting you, the better. Oftentimes on a poorly designed website, prospects struggle to find ways to reach you to answer their questions before they make an appointment. Be sure to audit your website to experience how easy it is to get in contact with your clinic. If it takes more than 2 clicks to get in contact, consider adjusting your website and remove any unnecessary barriers.

9. Overcomplicating the Booking Process:​

A complicated or lengthy checkout or booking process can lead to website abandonment. Streamline these processes as much as possible. For instance, allowing guests to book an acupuncture session with minimal steps can significantly increase conversion rates.
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

10. Not Regularly Updating Website Content:​

Outdated content can make your practice appear unprofessional or irrelevant. Regular updates, such as blog posts, news updates, or refreshed service descriptions, keep your website dynamic and engaging. Be sure you are up-to-date on the latest TCM and acupuncture news and spread the word about it on your website and social media channels. This not only improves user-experience on your website, and increases trust in your community, but it also helps your website rank well in Google search results.

Maintaining a blog on your website offers significant benefits for Google ranking and overall SEO strategy. Regular blog posts contribute fresh, relevant content, a factor Google values highly when determining a site’s ranking. Each new blog post is a new indexed page, providing more opportunities to appear in search engines and drive traffic to your site. Blogging also enhances keyword optimization, allowing you to target a wider range of search queries relevant to your niche. This improves your visibility in search results for those terms. 

In Summary

Identifying these 10 website mistakes is the first step; the next is to systematically address them. Start with the easier fixes, like fixing your booking process or revising CTAs, and work your way up to more complex improvements like redesigning for mobile responsiveness or working on website speed. You may need to hire out help with the more complex issues to optimize your website, but remember to always keep the “first impression” of the visitor to your website in mind.

What's Next?

Remember, your website is not just a digital brochure; it’s a dynamic, interactive portal that can effectively engage and convert visitors into customers. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can enhance your website’s effectiveness and see a tangible increase in sales and customer engagement.

1. https://www.semrush.com/blog/mobile-vs-desktop-usage/
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Need a high quality website for your practice?​

AcuPerfect Websites offers website plans for all budgets. Our websites rank well in search results and our features can help save you time and money, accelerate your patient attraction and enable you to manage your practice easier.

We’d be grateful to join you on your practice journey by helping you attract new patients to your practice, so you can do what you love, treat more patients.

Learn more about our website plans for acupuncturists here.

Ben, Ken and Ian
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