FREE WEBINAR: An Acupuncturist’s Formula to Growing Your Practice Online

Why does your school offer the general public acupuncture services through a student clinic?


Basically, all of these things!  But there is more that is not intended that falls under the umbrella of providing the education and know-how….the business skills and savvy to operate the clinic.

In the digital age we live in, a majority of the population has embraced hand-held personal technologies and has the expectation of immediacy in all things.  Does your student clinic prepare your students to operate a touch profession in a technology driven environment?

With a custom built AcuPerfect Website, you the school have a powerful, educational and operational tool.  Not only will an AcuPerfect Website streamline the operations and management of the student clinic, it provides the student with first-hand experience in digital marketing and clinic operations while educating your clients that seek out acupuncture and TCM therapies!

So how does a website do all this?

An AcuPerfect Website is built with relevant content such as: an acupuncture and TCM practitioners answers to pathology based concerns, clinical and patient health intake forms, online scheduling with built in reminders and birthday well wishes, gift certificate sales, a client management system, and professionally written blogs and monthly newsletters!

All of these services are provided by one provider, no multiple payments.  You have an account representative you can speak with on the phone to help with any and all questions and full technical support of your website as part of the service.  An AcuPerfect Website is designed to be low maintenance and high impact.  We do all the maintenance, you make all the impact!

Written by professional technical writers who are acupuncture and TCM practitioners, AcuPerfect Websites include an ever growing library of client focused articles such as:

The AcuPerfect Website services allow you to better prepare your students for not just working clinically, but providing them the entrepreneurial ability to operate in the new digital era.

Contact us for more information about a student clinic website:

[contact-form-7 id=”1093″ title=”Student Clinic Form”]

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